Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Fuck The Doomed

The city that I call home (Amarillo, TX) is voting on a proposed Smoke Free Amarillo this week. You can almost smell the stench of Irony reeking in the phrase "Smoke Free" esp. When the voters outcome could take the rights away from others-i.e. the Smokers. Who has the right to say what is right and what is wrong, what is healthy and what is a hazard, the government? What gives a certain group of individuals to stand up and say "fuck you smoker you cant eat here anymore, well you can just don't bring that disgusting habit with you." All the while they shove food down their throats that will kill them long before the smoke will. Find me one case of second hand smoke that one has received from a restaurant that caused cancer or heart disease. Fuck it show me a tumor, a tumor would make me second think my actions as a smoker, and therefore being a danger to my fellow humans. I would gladly take this challenge, because I know I would win, SECOND HAND SMOKE DOES NOT CAUSE CANCER. But I will agree with you it stinks. So I would sign a paper that says I won't sit in the same section as someone that chooses not to smoke on a night out for dinner. Oh yeah, we already tried that, it wasn't good enough. Non-Smokers decieded (at least some did) that the restaurants need to be completely smoke free. I might even be so deranged as to agree with that. The second part of the proposed ban really pisses me off. Ban all the smoking in all the bars. I am serious folks. Ban all the smoking in the Fucking bars. When asked why, those who support the ban will again say that smoking in unhealthy, and could be dangerous to your health as well as those whom you may surround. OK even if second hand smoke caused fucking herpes to fly into your face the second you lit it up, this is a mute point, you are at a fucking bar. You don't go to a bar to be healthy you go to kill brain cells and forget about shit for a while, to me this makes no sense to me, but then again I could have cancer in the part of my brain that controls rational thought. Here is is another Ideas for these fucks: lets cure muscular Dystrophy in children, by aborting them before they have a chance to be born, it makes about as much sense when you think about it. We (the smokers) are doomed, if these freedoms are not taken a week from today they will be soon, the health nuts will eventully win. America has changed, we are afraid of everything, we are afraid of terrorists attacking on our soil again, and now we are afraid second hand smoke with a cheesburger or with a beer will kill you. Even if you agree with the smoking ban, I have a question......What rights will they take away next?


daniel harley said...

This is america .. "the land of the free" right? freedoms of choice?, rights to this, rights to that, which includes rights to do or not to do. we are talking about the public, not private. telling people they can or can not smoke is no different (when you are talking about rights) than telling someone with white skin, blck skin or brown skin that they can or can not do what they do, sit where they sit, eat where they want to eat, go to what school they want to go to. Its not humane. I am a non-smoker, and i am against the ban, just because i have the right to not smoke does not give me the right to tell smokers that they have no right to smoke. no matter how bad it stinks! and i have lost 3 people in my life to cancer. only one of them being a smoker. i think the system we have now works. some public places choose to be completely smoke free, some choose to acompany both sides. and if we are talking about poluting the air, how much hair spray do you use?, how much emmisions out of your car do you not see? how often do you break styro-foam? this is not an attact on 275, it is meant to make you think about what you do that pollutes the air rather than being a non-smoker. this includes cooking, burning fire wood and even coughing when you might have a cold .... lets be fair here, leave the city alone. lets vote on laws that will help our children in need, the elderly, the homeless or bringing jobs to the amarillo area ... those seem to be more important issues than rather you have the right smoke a "cancer stick" or not.

Tommy Davis said...

I dont blame 275 for being mad or upset, in fact I agree with most of the things that 275 said. I even agreed to not smoke in a resturant. But 275 proved my point that we are afraid of everything. Cancer happens folks, and so does heart disease. Now granted smoking may help boost these diseases, but it is not always the cause. My mom was diagnosed with cancer last June, and she has never smoked a single cigarette in her life, neither has may dad. She is too good for it. I hate it for her. I would take it away if I could, but that is not how it was planned.
People like 275 are just funny to listen to, thier FEAR of disease has itself become a disease of its own. And well kiddos FEAR can kill as well. 275 are obviously on different sides of the fence here, and that is exactly the way I want it. Life would be boring if people agreed with everything that I did or said, or held the same "values". So lets agree to disagree except with the issue of smoking in bars, that is still ridiculous, and 275 and YellowHoodie, may agree. We are all on this spinning mass together, and like it or not we don't have a lot to say about how things will turn out. It is all part of a bigger plan. Don't let the FEAR win, life is just too fucking short.

j3 said...

Smokers and non-smokers will always be at war. It's always been that way. There's a culture attached to both. I have to say, though, of all the things that can kill a non-smoker, cigarettes should be the very least of your concern. Hell, today a car could plow into you in traffic and kill you in a heartbeat (although I hope that doesn't happen). The fact that so many non-smokers complain about second-hand smoke when there's more pollutants in the air than one could even count that DO NOT come from cigarettes is why non-smokers are often called whiners. Can't really argue with that, myself.

All of this legislation is done with two different objectives in mind. First and most importantly, to protect the beautiful pink lungs of the thousands of non-smokers and "clean" up our town. I'm not sure, I find the smell of stockyards to be a tad more offensive than a couple of cigarette butts on the sidewalk. Maybe it's just me. Secondly, local government is trying to stamp out the smokers--close them up in their houses so ultimately they'll smoke themselves sick and quit or smoke themselves to death. Just another legislative initiative designed to create a utopian society that is impossible in today's world. That pothole would never get fixed if it weren't for smokers' taxes. Our tax money also pays to house criminals far away from the utopian neighborhoods heavily populated by non-smokers. Take that away and the economical impact would be severe and certain.

Take the same scenario and imagine the global impact.

Personally, I think large gas-guzzling vehicles that dominate our road are a greater threat to society. We're at war, ultimately, to put cheaper gas in our bigger vehicles. Cigarettes are the least of my concern, seriously.

daniel harley said...

"If you'll realize, your arguments are weak and prey upon the first encounter you've had with the experience. I bet, if you go back and look at all of the information, you'll soon realize as Tommy Davis did, that there is merit to my argument"

i know their is merrit to your argument and there is in mine as well ... however just because you choose to not smoke does not make it right for you to assume a smoker dinning in the same public resturant as you, is infringing on your right to be a non-smoker. its a public place.


1 a: exposed to general view : OPEN b: WELL-KNOWN, PROMINENT c: PERCEPTIBLE, MATERIAL
2 a : of, relating to, or affecting all the people or the whole area of a nation or state (public law) b: of or relating to a government c: of, relating to, or being in the service of the community or nation
3 a : of or relating to people in general : UNIVERSAL b : GENERAL, POPULAR
4 : of or relating to business or community interests as opposed to private affairs : SOCIAL
5 : devoted to the general or national welfare : HUMANITARIAN
6 a : accessible to or shared by all members of the community b : capitalized in shares that can be freely traded on the open market

next time you should try and state your opinion and not insult anyone directly ... you just threw merrit out the door!

have a great day!

daniel harley said...

for the third time now (and the last). we are talking about the public. this includes smokers, women who have abortions, thieves, drunks, cheaters, sex offenders and people who prefer subway over quizno's. who ever you may be and what ever you feel is "right" or "wrong".

the "airspace" that the city puts a public park in, resturant owners that build a place for the public to eat or a highway the state decides to build for the public to drive on belongs to the PUBLIC ... the airspace is not just yours, nor will it ever become "your airspace". As soon as you become the only person in america to pay county, city, state and federal taxes i will then assume the publics airspace belongs to you. Until then ....

this is my last post on this subject, the wonderful thing about our country is that we are allowed to be different (including opinions).

everyone thank you for sharing your side of your opinions!

have a great day !!!!
"here's to lifelong friendships and smaller government"