Thursday, May 05, 2005

More Than Words

And she runs through her days with a smile on her face and she runs, and she waits, and I wait We can drive to anyplace, day or night, across the stateAnd in the morning, into Mexico, we will wake up find a window in the kitchen, and I let myself inRummage through the refrigerator, find myself a beerI can't believe I'm really here, and she's lying in that bedI can almost feel her touch, and her anxious breath!I stumble in the hallway, against the bedroom doorI hear her call out to me, I hear the fear in her voiceShe pulls the covers tighter, I press against the doorI will be with her tonight!

These are merely words, and I know that, but like Extreme said, sometimes words are more than words. These are the lyrics to Tyler by the Toadies, my all-time favorite song. Music is an escape. Good music is at least. Tyler takes me to a place, that no other song ever has, or ever will. Those two notes that start out the song give me a chill every time I hear it. And as the song progresses I just get more and more lost, the screaming YEAH the feedback of the guitar and when the song is over I can come back to the real world. That is why Tyler is my escape, That isI think everyone has a Tyler, or they should. What is yours?


daniel harley said...

mine right now is some devil by dave matthews ... when i hear that song, my soul starts to day dream of the one woman on this planet that has truely made me happy. she lives far away from me in another state, but no matter how busy my life gets or how many months and years we put between us, "some devil" rushes the whole expierence back to me, as if i were still breathing in her sweet scent, lying there staring at her angel-face, waiting for her to wake up and smile at me !!!

j3 said...

dave matthews sucks, harley.

here's a hacky sack, go save a whale.