Monday, May 30, 2005


“Did you hear the shots?”

Strange questions for an man to try to answer. I was still trying to shake the cobwebs out of my head from my afternoon nap when this question was sprung upon me like a lioness on a young gazelle.

“Yeah, of course I did, wait what shots?”
The young boy, led by a grayish sort of Labrador retriever walked over to me and I was eager to get this conversation going, I was in fact in the middle of the story and I felt that the outside world needed to know to goings on at the Indian Trail Apartments. I could see cameras setting up about 100 yards from where I stood, and my mind started to place impossible scenarios together about what had just occurred, and what the outcome might have been.
“ the cops, were down there at that chameleon pick-up, you see the one down there with the pipes?”he said
“Yes I see, what happened?” I asked
“Well the cops were down there dropping a warrant on that guy in that apartment down by that truck, well then he drew he gun and shot at one of the cops”
“He shot a cop?” I asked.
My mind began to race again, creatively persuing an end to this story without having to hear the end of it. That is was good story tellers do, always see the ending far before it happens so that when it POPs you are ready. I have, what some might call a hatred for the man in blue, I don’t respect the badge. Never have. I grew up in a small town where to local bully grew up to be the local cop and the cycle continued unto what seemed like eternity. In my run ins with the law they have neither served nor protected myself or my assets, so it is for that reason that I hold this great hatred.
My junior year in college I was at a party. The 48 hour party to be exact, it was called the 48 hour party because the party went on for two days. Two days is 48 hours, not the most creative thinking on our part, but hey, we were just kids trying to have a good time. The cops showed up on hour #4 of the 48 hour party and took two of my fraternity brothers to jail. One for showing the cop a fake ID the other for backing him up, and in turn giving false information to a officer of the law…….(thou shall not bear false witness) after that the party was officially over, or atleast the first half was, we all agreed try this thing again same time, same place, tomorrow, which was a Saturday night. I showed up to the lodge late. I had just gotten off of work and I was playing a deadly game of catch up, and almost as soon as I got there the party was over. We had made an agreement with the cops to shut the party down early, by almost ½ hour in punishment for the events of last night. I was standing by the door of the lodge, talking and waiting for the bastard to empty out so I could continue drinking because the party was not over for me, I had just begun. People bottlenecked at the front door standing and talking, when all of the sudden I heard the sounds of a fight in the parking lot and quickly ran over to see the last part. When I got to the scene of what I judged to be the fight, I merely saw the aftermath of what looked like a brutal beating. A kid not any older than me was lying on the pavement with blood gushing out of a 2 inch gash above his nose. I began asking questions, “Who hit him” What happened”
Nothing happened he just fell. The sounds of cell phone dialing 911 filled the August night air, the party had taken a turn, now the kids had to act like grown ups. Three people hopped to the aid of the fallen boy and started to give CPR because he was not breathing. My mind could not comprehend what happened that night and still has troubles finding the answers as my fingers try to find the keys to type them, it was my first expericene with death. My generation grew up without Viet Nam. Death was not something that I was accustomed to seeing. The boy was dead on the ground and a lot of us knew it, but their was no way in hell you were going to stop those attempting to save his life from stopping.

he cops showed up about 13 min after the first call came in. They offered no aid to the dying boy. They simply let the three, who had originally offered aid continue, to no avail. The sound of sobs and chatter on the police radio was broken by the whisk-whisk-whisk of the LifeStar mobile ambulance flown in from out of town. Because this boy needed help and needed it badly. When the paramedics showed to the scene he still had a pulse and a heart rate. But it is like trying to jumpstart a dead battery, once its gone its gone. But the determination of those who offere d aid, gave the boy a fighting chance until professional help arrived. As soon as the chopper took back off and headed towards Amarillo, a sheriff look into the tear soaked eyes of a young girl who had placed her mouth on a total stranger in hopes to get him going again and said “You finally did it, you finally killed someone.” And that kiddo is the reason I hate cops.

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