Wednesday, May 18, 2005

My Ackward Rodeo (8 Seconds of Strange)

There are certain moments of a young mans life that he looks forward to. None of these moments are more precious or in my case more ackward than the night that I lost my virginity.

I had only kissed one girl before that night, (see future post My Dad Thinks I Smoke Crack), so to say that I was inexperienced, would be like saying Louis Farrakhan kind of hates white people, it would be a huge understatement.
The phone rang in my dorm room about 9 o'clock
"Dude get over here we are playing P&A (Presidents and Assholes) we need another player” said David a fraternity brother of mine.
"Who is there?” I asked
"Just me and Jody and Cody and Amy" David replied.
"OK, I will be there in a bit" I said and hung up the phone.
I was not that excited about heading over to a "party" with only 3 people. It was after all a Thursday night, I had to weigh my options carefully, and tonight could be the night that I loose my V card.
There was nothing else going on so I headed over to Cody’s apartment to play drinking games, guanteeing my self the chance not to get laid. I had become comfortable with the fact that I would more than likely die a virgin.
When I opened to door, I saw boobs, Jody's boobs, and my soul smiled. The games had shifted from P&A, to a fucked up version of Truth or Dare aka get the drunk girls naked. This was a game I had little experience with; these were actually the first boobs I had ever seen in real person. I couldn’t breath. I laugh nervously. I looked freakingly perverse because I did not take my eyes of the pillow that Jody was covering her boobs with. I just stared, I really didn’t even pretend to look somewhere else when she caught my eye, I had been hypnotized by those areolas, and I had found what I had been looking for.
She starting making out with David and I felt the slim chance that I had of laying the smack down slipping away, so I started to drink. I sat and drank and talked, the girls at this point had ended the game and put their clothes back on. David and Jody were still kissing one another so I drank four or five beers and had to break the seal. When I got back from the bathroom David was gone. He had gone home, leaving me in charge of finishing what he started. I drank another beer and talked with Jody. The next thing I know we were on her bed, still just talking about stupid shit, the guys that she liked who didn’t like her. I agreed with her and told her that guys can be assholes sometimes and told her that she should not let it bother her; I told her that she was beautiful and should have no problem getting a guy.
The next thing I know her tongue is down my throat. I was trying to be suave and move my tongue around, but it wasn’t working. She took off my shirt and licked my stomach, my whole body shivered.
Soon after that both of our clothes were off and I had placed my body into the point of no return, basic missionary, nothing special. I don’t remember breathing for the next minute or so, I had practiced this moment for the past 5 years, and now that the moment was at hand I was like a retarded kid trying to hit a piƱata. I "started" with a thrust, and after that thrust I was done. Less that 8 seconds from the start, I was done. The only person in the room that was more surprised than me was her. My ackward little Rodeo was over.

1 comment:

daniel harley said...

i must agree .. only you adam ... only you!!! ... but i had heard "horry" stories like this before i had lost my "V" card ... greatfuly !!!!!!!!!!! i have to admit mine was not so awkward.

i will now go read the crack story!