Monday, May 30, 2005

The Pope is Dead and I am Glad

The news finally came at 1:37 CST. Pope John Paul II had passed away. The world, or a large majority of it had stopped last week to pay tribute to God’s #2. And now he was gone, dust in the wind. We all return to the earth from which we came, Holy as the Pope as evil as the rest the ride stops for us all, and at some point we all have to get off. He had led a faction of the most organized and secretive organizations in modern history, and he did it with a charm and charisma that can never be rivaled by mortal man, and on Saturday God opened his arms and welcomed home his servant and watched as His playground downstairs was a little more empty with this one gone. It is hard to sum up the total of what a man the Pope was, because he was a just that….a man. Pope is not like mayor or president or dogcatcher. A simple I didn’t know can get you off the hook in the later offices, but with a position like the pope the realities of the position are a little more real, a little more enclusive, and we are better because he is gone.
We are better because we now have to look deep in our hears which over the years of war and terror have become black with hate and fear. We once again have to hope. Hope is something that has eluded this generation, and the hope of this generation lies on a group of strangers speaking Italian wearing funny hats. Hope that once again we can be the society that strives to be better that the one before it. Strives to never take a look a the bottom line, but in that respect know that the bottom line is something that cannot be avoided, we are all on a road that ends, and that is not a bad thing. We just need to make sure that the one leading the herd are heading us in the right direction. and that person will emerge from a balcony in the Vatican minutes after a wall of white smoke bellows outs of the Sistine Chapel . We are as Ronald Regan said “the generation that will face Armagedon” Res ispa Loquitur

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