Thursday, May 19, 2005

My Dad Thinks I Smoke Crack

"Desperation is the raw material of drastic change. Only those who can leave behind everything they have ever believed in can hope to escape."
William S. Burroughs

I took one of the biggest whores in Muleshoe High School to my junior prom. I had seen all the movies, and I believed all the myths, that everyone lost their virginity on prom night. In my case I took out an insurance policy on my virginity claim. I took a girl I knew would put out, if I had been in Vegas taking odds on the chance of me getting laid, I would have bet the farm. (I don’t own a farm, but just go with the fucking analogy OK?)
I started smoking pot my Jr year in high school, and this girl would smoke me out all the time, one afternoon while we were high we thought it would be funny if her and I went to prom together. I don't guess I found the humor in it, she laughed her ass off. The idea of going to prom with me was somehow the single funniest idea she ever had, and now as I sit and write down these memories, I hate her even more. She had taken me as a joke. In high school I was a pretty big ass-hat. I had little if no social skills, bad hair, and thick glasses. This girl was popular (esp. with the guys). And when the rumor mill churned out the news that I was taking Ransley, every guy in the school, looked at me different. They all knew that around 11 o'clock the night of prom I would be knee deep in ass, and they were all jealous.
I had no experience with sex, in fact I had never even kissed a girl, so attempting to poon a girl with this much experience was scary.
What if I did it wrong?
Would she tell everyone?
I knew I wasn’t the coolest kid in town, but if I did something stupid, that last year of high school was going to be rough
My parents heard the news and went completely ape shit. They knew what I was planning, and they hated it. They thought that I should wait until I got married until I had sex, they knew that I took this girl to prom I would come back de-flowered, and I would no longer be their little boy.
I would be a man. A man who lost his virginity, to the loosest whore in the 79347
Prom night came and my mom would not acknowledge my presence. She had been giving me the silent treatment since she heard the news. It sucked, I love my mom, and her silence was like her telling me that she hated me, or rather hated my decision. Still I went to prom. I had to grow up sometime.
Prom sucked, so we left early. A bunch of my buddies and I had gotten some beers and we were drinking them on some farmland on the south side of town. My mom had help organized an anti-fun after prom party. And let me tell you my popularity skyrocketed. The “party” started at 12:30. It was more of a lock out than it was a lock in. If you were not there by 12:30, you did not get in, if you did not get in, your parents knew that you didn’t show up. But I didn’t have to worry about any of this, because my mom and dad were both there.
The clock was ticking I had to get my groove on in order to be at the lock in-out, by 12:30
We were sitting on the tailgate of Darren’s pick-up when she grabbed my by the hand and pulled me into her car. We started to kiss, and I thought, this is it! It is finally going to happen. We made out for a while when she said
“I am not going to fuck you, you know that right?”
“ Oh, sure of course, it never even crossed my mind” I said back
She then started kissing me again and started sucking on my bottom lip. At first I thought it was cool, but then the pain came. I tried to pull away, but she just sucked harder, and harder and harder. I had no idea if this is how the make out session was supposed to go. I had never read anything about sucking on lips, well at least the ones on the face, as being sexual.
She finally stopped it was getting close to 12:30 and she dropped my off at the “party”
I was giddy with excitement, even though I didn’t have sex I had just had a crazy make out session with the schools biggest slut. My heart was full of joy, but my bottom lip really hurt.
I woke up the next morning and the pain of my lip had gone from a 1 to a 10. I couldn’t talk. She had given me a hickey on my bottom lip and the fucker had turned blue. My top lip was red and the bottom was blue as I walked into Sunday morning services at the First United Methodist Church. People starred, and people giggled, I looked ridiculous.
When we got home from church my dad came into my room and said that we needed to have a talk.
“Oh, shit” I thought, here it comes the infamous sex talk. My dad thinks that I got some ass last night and now was his cue to teach me about the birds and the bees.
“What is wrong with your lip?” he asked
“Nothing, I don’t know, what are you talking about?” I rebutted
“It looks like you burned your lip, are you smoking crack?” he asked
His question hit me like a ton of bricks, I didn’t think my dad knew about crack. Hell, I didn’t know about crack.
Can a crack pipe get so hot it will burn you lips? I asked my self
“No, it’s a hickey, Ransley sucked the shit out of my bottom lip, and now I have a hickey” I said.
“Shit” he said and started laughing, “does it hurt?”
“Does it look it hurts?” I asked him sucking in on my swollen blue lip.
My dad started to laugh again; I think he felt more relief than joy.
He had walked into his only sons room less that 1 minute before thinking that his son had a drug problem, and was walking out knowing that his boy was just a stupid kid who let a whore get the best of him.

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