Tuesday, May 03, 2005

Another Day in WeirdVille

Another day another dollar, what a strange way to live life. But I think these experiences keep you on your toes. The real world can be a tough nut to crack, cause sometimes you don't have a hammer, you have to use your fist and continue to smash the fucker until your hand gushes blood. Real people have scars. Scars build character. Every scar has a story. And not all scars are on the outside, some are buried deep, sometimes too deep that the owners of said scars don't even remember that they even exist.
This weekend I uncovered scars long fogotten I was driving this to Canyon, Texas the city that "popped the cherry" of innocence. I hadn't been to Canyon in the daylight in about 2 years. I saw the sights. I saw alleys that I had ducked from the police. I saw front yard that I had thrown up a nights worth of used beer. I saw city parks that I passed out in. I saw the apartments were I lost my virginity. I saw several places where my run-ins with the law resulted in my arrest..............and each one of these memories made me smile.
Don't cry because it is over, laugh because it happened, I told myself. We rarely are that free. We are focused on tomorrow. But that was not the case those years (5)I spent in college. I saw fat girls get peppermint schnapps licked of their tits. I saw a full grown man put his head though a plate glass window. I saw a guy die. And that was in one weekend. Life teaches us all a lesson, everyday something happens that we are supposed to take something away from, supposed to make us better. Am I a better person for seeing the things that I did, am I a better person because I went to jail? Without a doubt. Life without stories, is like a live without scars. I have my scars, and I have the stories to back them up. This blog will be a selection of those stories that happened back then and the continual weirdness that still follows me like a fat girl follows a buffet line, they never fucking stop, even when they know they have had enough.

1 comment:

daniel harley said...

i couldn't agree more ... thanks for the refreshing insight to a few scars and memories of my own that i often forget sifting through shit to do at work to pass the time and pay a few bills .... VIVA LA TOMMY DAVIS !!!!