Saturday, July 30, 2005

Try To Follow Me on This

I had a vision today. I was outside looking at a wall. There is a window that is enclosed in this wall. As I stared into my image reflecting off the glass, my eyes strayed back to the brick (the wall) and I could no longer see myself. I then looked at the wall closer. The wall was made up of smaller bricks. Each brick was small in comparison to the wall. But in total, with the bricks joined with the mortar a wall had been formed. It had created a boundary from what I could see and what I could not.

When I reach out I can touch the wall, and the same with the glass in the window. I can feel both, because my senses allow me to. My fingers tell my brain that there is something there, that there is a limit to what I am able to do. Now this wall had not always been there, man had created it. Years ago the building was nothing more than a piece of land of which if you stood on and looked you could see as far as your eyes would allow you to. (Even without the wall there, we are still limited.)

What I came up with is, life is a series of edges. The homes we live in, the cars that we drive, the faces of people that we love and hate, are all made up of edges. These edges cut away that “being” from the rest of the reality, so that it stands out and allows it to be focused on, and allows it to been seen.

Just like that wall, which is made of smaller, bricks which in turn make up a building. I had placed a limit on what I could allow myself to see, instead of experiencing what was not there. In a matter of speaking my mind had created an image, with an edge. That edge was the limit. What else had I placed limit on?

I began to look around trying to see what was there, but what I should have been doing in trying to focus on is what is not there. I felt the sun on my skin, and for the first time I realized that we are limited and unlimited by our thoughts. I felt the suns warmth, but how did I know what warmth was? Warmth was a feeling; in looser terms it is an emotion. There was a difference between hot and cold. Again my mind had placed a limit that my brain had an edge and on that edge was hot and cold. Somewhere in the middle of these two was WARM. I had placed a limit on my limit. Warm is not hot, warm is not cold, it is neither, but I had limited my thought, I had placed warmth somewhere in my subconscious, and my brain told me that what I was feeling was warm.

I then started noticing more and more things around me, the sounds of radio in my Jeep, was interrupted my the sound of a child yelling across the street and then that sound was hushed by the sound of a truck passing between us. I had placed yet again a limit on what I could hear. I didn’t “listen” to the music on my stereo when I heard the child. I had placed a boundary on the two that allowed me to experience both. I had heard both, but my mind did not allow me to listen to both at the same time. The reasoning behind this is once again the limit to what I have always known. What else had I listened to but not heard, what else had I saw, that I didn’t truly see? These edges of reality had broken what reality was to me.

So then imagine that there are no limits. There are no edges. And for the first time in your life you could see farther than you had ever seen. You could look up and see more than you could ever see, you would see infinity. You would not see the stars and the moon, or galaxies, because these are limits that you have always known. You would be in fact ENDLESS.

I felt strange after this my hands were shaking. I felt that I had opened up a door, not entirely, but just a crack, just enough to allow a light to shine from the other side, the other side of what I had always known to be “true”

I was not on any drug when I saw this, instead my mind seemed to open up, just for a moment and allowed me to see something. Drugs are just like everything else, some say they help you experience “Tune in and Tune out”. Well that in my realm of thinking is wrong, because all the drug does is place another limit on what you see. The drug will wear off and it effects will subside and you will no longer be in that state of unconsciousness. Some need drugs like LSD or psilocybin (mushrooms), to see reality. But as soon as you “tune out” you have already limited yourself. I think that I am beating a dead horse here, let me know what you think.

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