Monday, October 09, 2006

The Wonder Of Having A Sister

I have a sister named Courtney. Soon to the sister formally known as Courtney, she will now be refered to as Auntie. She is mother to one of the most precious things that I have ever known, my God-daughter Madeline. My sister have had a relationship that I suppose is typical of brohter sister, as far as that goes. But Courtney has on many occasions gone the extra mile to be a better sister than I have as being a brother. I have been for the majority of my life a independent person, I was the cat of my family. I stayed away when I wanted to, but when I needed her she was always there. In high school i was depressed. I was a aqward kid with little or no social skills. Bottom line I attempted to atempt suicide (more of a cry for help than anything) my sister was in college at the time. But she came home for the weekend just to hang out with me, talk though my shitty problems and let me know that life would get better, and it did. I stood with my sister on the day that she got married, I held her child as she was baptized. She has let me know on more tht one occasion that I was important to her, and in return I have done very little, but you know what she still loves me. Look up unconditional love in the dictionary and you will see a picture of Courtney Milleson. She is a wonderful woman, who I am glad to not only call a sister, but proud to call her a friend. Thank you sister for always being there. I love you

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