Monday, November 07, 2005


My jaw is on the keyboard as I type this so I apologize for the misspellings and grammatical errors that may follow suit in this entry.

Mahatma Gandhi: A man is the sum of his actions, of what he has done, of what he can do, Nothing else.

You cannot get any better than that.

I always considered myself a relatively good person. The reason for that is I only look myself in the mirror, I don’t see the ones that I hurt, because when I do that image of the good person fades to something that I would hate for my mother to see I would see a person that I never knew I became. If you take time to think about it a mirror image is a false image. Your right hand is on your left, your left on your right, but you convince yourself that this image is correct and never take the time to realize that you are a completely different person when you look in the mirror. Today I see who I am, and I feel gross.
This is the first time that I have been asked to be accountable for my actions. And I suck at it. We all do things are rarely thing about the consequences. I now can say that I am a very selfish person who rarely thinks twice. I hadn’t thought about this, and I didn’t feel bad.
I will not apologize for my actions. But instead I will say THANK YOU to the writer of the blog comment on Darwin 1. I don’t apologize for the things I have done because Marty McFly aint real, and neither is the flux capacitor I cant take back my fuck ups and as surely as I cant stop breathing. You can hold your breath forever but eventully you will take that breath and all you are left with is a headache. I say thank you because with that small paragraph you made me realize the error of my ways. .

1 comment:

Tommy Davis said...

thanks rod. You have a very unique CANDLE site, just kidding I hate it