Thursday, March 09, 2006

Pit The Enemy Against Themselve and what you find is a Animal

An article in the Amarillo Globe News grabbed my attention today. The letter came from a woman in Hereford who had been viciously attacked by a Pit Bull terrier. Her small dog tried to fight her way out but the Pit was just to strong. Years of genetics had made him a far superior fighter, and he walked away from his battle. It would seem that it truly is a dog eat dog world. The woman was obviously distraught, after all a family member had been taken away from her, and she asked for revenge, she asked for blood.
The thing that she forgot that the two animals in the fight were just that,......animals. Dogs shared fires with cave-man. They crossed the seas with Columbus to the new world. They have been a part of humans lives almost as long as we have been here, but the K9 refused to be tamed. When it comes down to it a dog will always hunt to find food, and a dog will always bite when its in a fight.
How can we ask a Pit Bull to stop being a Pit Bull? Hell, we bred them, if the ferocity, or pure power of the pit bull terrier shows us anything, it is mans angst. Men had to start being men. There are no longer gunfights in the streets of our citys.. There are no longer gentleman challanging others to a "genltemans duel" Man may have forgotten how to be a man, but that is one thing animals never forget. It has been said that a pig, if released from captivity, will go feral in less than a month. A swine will go from the pink Babe like animal to the ferious motherfucker that almost killed Old Yeller, it is only a matter of time.
Now what do we do about these animals? One answer is to wipe the breed from the face of the earth. We could go door to door searching for these animals and blast there brains out. The pit bulls will all be dead, but then who amonsts us is the animal? Or we could train these animals that things have to change. This kind of violence will no longer be tollerated. the owners of these animals should be fined up the ass if an attack were to occur. It is a privledge to own one of these magestic and truly powerful animals. If an animal kills another,put it down. That is how things work in Texas.