Thursday, May 12, 2005

Every Good Deed Goes unPUNISHED

My life was going in the wrong direction. I had a crappy job, no money, no girl, no social life to really speak of, unless of course, drinking an entire bottle of NyQuil and laughing hysterically at cartoons at home on cable on a Friday night is considered social. Which I think most psychologist will agree, the answer is no.
So to summarize, I had no girl, no job(decent), and no hope of anything improving in the immediate future, keep in mind this is not a sob story, but rather the back story to my living situation that built up to the events of that March morning over a year ago
I always went to the same Toot n Tootum (a convenience store) every morning to get a Dr. Pepper and a pack of cigarettes. My daily routine started with this daily dose of nicotine and caffeine. As I was filling up my Styrofoam cup with the wonderful nectar, a guy came up from behind me and asked me if I had any change that I could spare. I looked at the .75 cents that I had in my hand and "
This is all the money that I have, sorry” I said.
"Don't sweat it" they guy said and went back to making his hot dog behind me.
I finished filling up my cup and as I was putting on the lid he approached me again and asked me if I could give him a ride to his grandmothers house. I told him that I was on my way to work and was practically late already.
He nodded and said "That's cool, don't worry about it" As I was stabbing the straw into the lid I began to think to myself, maybe if I help this guy out, God will shine upon me, no good deed goes unrewarded right?
"Hey where do you live" I asked, and he told me that he lived off Grand, in fact is not too far from where I was going.
"I can take you." I said.
"Thanks brother, I can give you five bucks if you take me there" he said. My brain paused, didn’t this guy try to get money from me a second ago? He had five dollars, why would he try to get me to give him money? I ignored this because in my mind the decision to give him a ride had already been made, and I was coming out of the deal $5 richer, my luck was already starting to change.
I told him that I would wait for him outside in my Jeep, and asked him if he would hurry, because I was running late for work. I got to my car and watched as he paid for his hot dog. He walked out side and got into my Jeep. I reversed out of my parking spot looking at the clock on the radio, I had five minutes to get him there and then to work, I could show up a little late after all I needed to do this good deed, I needed a little good fortune to come my way.
"Hey man, you mind stopping by my homies' place for a second, I need to get my key?" he said 3 minutes "No problem where is it?" I asked "Jackson Square Apartments" he said. Almost as soon as I heard him say Jackson Squ...., my heart stopped. Jackson Square was known for its frequency of shooting, knifings and frequent rapes. It was not exactly a place that I chose to hang out in front of. "Sure, how long is this going to take?" I asked. "Two minutes" he said as I pulled up to the apartments.
1 minute
I sat in my Jeep and kept an eye on the front door. My "White-side" came out, because as soon as he closed the door when he got out I locked it. And sat and waited.
2 minutes late
And waited
5 minutes late
And waited
10 minutes late
I had enough I was about to start honking my horn, which was not a good idea. Imagine the whitest guy that you know laying on his horn at 8 o'clock in the morning in front of a predominately black community. I am not a racist, but this was not a good idea, and I knew it, but I was fed up, and pissed that I was late for work, so at the time it seemed like a good idea. I placed my hand on the Jeep logo on the steering wheel and was about to press down when he emerged though the main door of the complex.
He walked up to the door and tried to open it, he gave me a puzzled look when I leaned over to unlock the door. He got in and we were off.
12 minutes late.
As we drove I said nothing, I was (in my head) trying to figure out the fastest route to where he needed to go. As I was mapping out the trip he said.
"So do you mess around"
"Do what?" I asked,
"Do you mess around?" he said again.
"I don't understand what you are saying,” I said. Although I knew exactly what he was asking, either he wanted to know I did drugs or he was asking if I was gay.
"Do you mess around?” he said for the third time I just shrugged my shoulders and gave him a puzzled look.
"Are you gay?" he asked
"No man, straight as an arrow" I said
"Cause I really want to suck your cock!" he said everyone I have told this story too said they would have stopped the car at this popint and beat the shit out of him. Not me I just stepped on the gas.
"Nope not gay, I am all about the pussy" I said. He was now grabbing his dick and massaging it, I could see this out of the corner of my eye, my eyes were focused on the road ahead and my only goal was to get this guy where he needed to go as fast as I could.
"Man I really get horny when I do a bunch of coke, and I wanna suck your dick" he said again as if I had just miss-heard his first offer. I laughed nervously
"No thanks ..........pussy...we are tight" I stammered
My foot was now pressed so far down on the gas pedal that it could go no further. The pedal was to the medal, I had to get this faggot home, and I had to complete the good deed.
"Want to do some blow?" he asked as he pulled out a baggie filled with cocaine.
"Uh...No"I said He poured the coke on the dash, ignoring my request not to snort Bolivian flake, and stared to "line it up" I was speechless.
My attention was on the coke on the dash, no longer on the road. My brain could not process the weirdness first from the guy offering me a blowjob and now he was snorting coke off of the dash of my car. I regained my composure and looked back to the road, only to see a police roadblock in front of me.
My brain shut down
"Eat shit fucker you are on your own" my brain said to me. "I'll be back when this whole thing is over"
There was a wreck on the street ahead of me, police were guiding traffic away from the scene, so I did the only logical thing my I could come up with..................I drove right thought the fucker, missing a patrol car by a few feet.
"Are you crazy, what are you doing?" the young cokehead faggot asked me, with cocaine still on his nose.
"Shut the fuck up, I am getting out of here,” I said.
I hit the gas as soon as I got out of the area of the wreck, I looked into the rear view mirror, so far so good, no black and whites where following me.
The remainder of the trip was a blur; I drove 15 blocks and literally have no memory of it. The next thing I do remember was stopping in front of the gas station that was his destination. He stepped out of the car.
"Man that was close." he said and snorted the last bit of coke left in his nostril
I did not respond
"Thanks for the ride, oh yeah I almost forgot, here is your $5"he said He handed me a gift certificate to Ruby Tequilas worth $5.
All this for a fucking gift certificate.

1 comment:

daniel harley said...

this story is amazingly funny ... however those of us that are greatfull enough to have adam call us his friends are very glad he made it to work ... this story could have never been finished ... however, knowing adam and the many "when i was drunk" stories ... trust me! reading this story does it absolutely no justice after witnessing him tell it in person !!!